It was recently revealed to me that the reason all my e-mails were getting junked by Mason’s spam filter was because I had a link to this site in my e-mail signature. Apparently blogspot is evil. I decided to take decisive action. You can now reach this website through the simpler URL of So […]
On the subject of remix culture, even corporate is getting the message. I just received this press release through UWIRE. For those too lazy to read through the entire thing, Verizon Wireless has sponsored a contest to remix Linkin Park songs. The finalists get money and the campuses with the most submissions become finalists for […]
I stumbled across a pretty nifty page today by the Center for History and New Media (of Zotero fame) all about digitizing history. The page is a project by Daniel Cohen and Roy Rosenzweig called Digital History: A Guide to Gathering, Preserving, and Presenting the Past on the Web. The site is an interesting look […]
my body – a Wunderkammer – in this piece by Shelley Jackson, she seems to have left behind regular structure and form entirely, instead constructing connections formed to the graphic structure of her body, with links often hidden within each set of words within each graphical component. The structure destroys the drive within the piece, […]
In this article, director Gore Verbinski, whose latest hits include the Pirates of the Caribbean series talks a little bit about video games, their potential as an art-form, his own projects and the idea of a video game with “zero narrative” Considering his stature, it is well worth a look. As media continues to converge, […]
Yesterday I went to the Museum of Modern Art in New York City. Completely by accident I stumbled across the exhibit Design and the Elastic Mind. The exhibit was fascinating. Among the most interesting things were the exhibit’s various re-tasking of old and new technology in new ways. Included in this was the idea of […]
So here at GMU we have this fantastic speaker today, Rob Curley who is an expert in the Internet and how it interacts with the the media, particularly newspapers. He is currently holding the position of the Vice President/New Media, Washington Post-Newsweek Interactive. He is speaking on how to connect with the people and bring […]
Ahhhh… the 11th Hour… is there no better time to sit back and wonder everything else you could have done with a project if only you didn’t have those pestering annoying things like classes or work? Maybe that’s just me. Anyway, today’s project that I wish I had done more on is the Remix project […]
So, as we reach that final hour and the remix project is due, I’ve finally had an idea for it. The funny thing is that it has been sitting in the back of my brain since I first saw the Draft Lessig for Congress campaign on Facebook. Way….way back WIRED magazine did an article, it […]
So, there’s this guy. His name is Tim Goeglein. He is a Special Assistant to the President. He writes crappy columns for some local paper. Then there is this blogger – Nancy Nall. Almost by accident, she uncovers that Goeglein has been plagiarizing. Then there’s a bigger blogger. They pick the story up (along with […]