Glittering promises to transform you into a social media powerhouse overnight are scams. Focusing on a long-term method to grow your social media presence, though, is a good idea. Many groups, including college journalism outlets, are strategizing on the best ways to use social media to expand their brands. I have my own strategy for […]
The beginning is a pretty bad place to start and exposition is for suckers. The key to good writing, be it journalism, fiction, screenplay or science fiction trilogy, is to start in the middle of things. While it is tempting to lead a reader by the nose through your way of thinking and bring them […]
Imagine what will happen when Android finally turns over a tablet-ready OS? I’m betting that any iPad-specific publications, magazines, newspapers or other applications will either launch Android editions or be left behind.
Image via Wikipedia I’ve been looking into Kindle application development. Considering how many Kindles are out there, there is a huge potential market for a few good applications on the device. There are some serious limitations to keep in mind when theorizing a Kindle app, specifically two big ones. The black and white, low-refresh, nature […]
Image via CrunchBase Sometimes I’m afraid that the like button on Pandora may irrevocably change my station to play music that I don’t like. How can Pandora make its interface better? I’m a big fan of Pandora online radio. It’s a clever concept and free music is always good. However, once I’ve set my channel […]
Image via Wikipedia So I finished Red Dead Redemption last month. It was a pretty fun game and, despite excessive horse riding, I enjoyed myself. Then I got to the end and I never wanted anything to do with the game again. This is why. Below are spoilers, so if you intend to play through […]
Image via Wikipedia Online searches are immensely important tools for any journalist, but you may not realize that there are ways to create better and more detailed searches. In the information age, nothing is more important than the ability to find and filter information, here are some ways to make that easy. Almost all search […]