I attended another great DC Media Makers event tonight. There were two presentations, one on Crisis Camp, and one on the video blog project Why Tuesday. Both were excellent. Worth noting were some fascinating GPS and QR projects. Also, the Why Tuesday video, which I hadn’t heard of before, was just fantastic. Sorry you missed […]
Check out my video presentation on how to use free web tools for better journalism. A little while back, UPIU scheduled me to present a workshop at the Southeast Journalism Conference this year. Unfortunately, due to all the snow here in the DC area, I wasn’t able to escape to Louisiana. However, I did make […]
Excellent #WJChat tonight all about where programming and journalism intersect and how programmers fit in the newsroom. My own archive of tonight’s #WJChat (thanks to What The Hashtag) is up. I’m putting all the nifty links I caught up in delicious and they can be found under the wjchat tag. Find out more about WJChat. […]
MSM wants to bring us the news through mobile devices, but they are actively discouraging users from reading on mobile devices. The Main Stream Media is frequently attempting to break into the mobile market in any way possible. We can see the horrendous deal they agreed to just to get on the Kindle. No one […]
Hello folks, as you can see we are in the process of moving Read, Write and View to this new blog, Hack Text. There will be more details on the whys and wherefores later. For now, if you’ve been redirected here by a URL or Feed that had previously pointed to Read, Write and View, […]
I just noticed that you can now embed FriendFeed story/link discussion threads off the site’s share link. The link pops up a window for the story which, among other things, includes and embed code (using an iFrame). This is pretty nifty for one big reason, all readers who are FF users can have a real-time […]
Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!
Image via Wikipedia Hello folks. You may have noticed that blog activity has been low lately. Well there is a reason. For one, I’ve been working hard on developing a CMS/Blogging/Community platform for GMU called onMason. We’re using WordPressMU and just when I thought I was done with it, we rolled over to WPMU2.8 and […]